Daily Archives: July 31, 2007

>The Film

>Sometime last spring a friend of mine from high school and college called me up and asked me if I would be interested in doing the costumes for an indie film he and some co-workers were going to make. I thought that sounded like a really fun thing to do so I signed up, blood and all. Blood you ask? Yeah, it’s a zombie film.

Now, normally zombies are not really my thing. I like feel good movies like Return To Me and The Holiday. The closest I get to anything like the Horror genre is Practical Magic (which I love). It’s been really very fun. Everyone is great, it’s like a little family. I spend pretty much most of my weekends on the set and my week at work so for those of you who are wondering – I am still alive.

If you are interested you can check out our website which will send you to our myspace page at the book of zombie. There is also an article in the paper of the town we are filming in.

We really lucked out with the facility (free), my hubby and I found a huge ice ream freezer on the side of the road (free) while walking our dog. It’s been an incredible ride. Photos to come soon.

That’s all for now more later…

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